Thursday, January 14, 2010

Winter Break..... *part one*

Erik always makes fun of me for how long our blogs are...... but I always have so much to share!! There is so much going on in our lives right now.... but I'll do my best to cut back, and at least break it into a couple different post.  Surprisingly, I didn't get a whole lot of pictures, considering how much stuff we did over Christmas break..... so that should help. Now if only I can keep my words limited......

As I mentioned in the last post..... Dec. 18th was our last day of finals (Hurray!). That night, before everyone went their own ways for the holiday..... we did a little Christmas for our "basically" family member (Robin and Erik). We went to Robins' basketball game, went to dinner, and let them open their presents from my parents.
(This is a pictures of Erik mocking the way girls hug)

December 19th- Got up bright and early and headed to Vegas to celebrate my 21st birthday!
This is a picture of Erik looking at "the strip" for his first time. Unforunately, that's the only pictures I have of us being in vegas. It was just too much fun to even think about grabbing a camera!

December 20- Headed to Utah. Celebrated my actual bday, and spent lots of time with family!
December 21- Erik went off to be with his family in Washington!
We spent the week shopping, and looking for wedding dresses. My family threw me a bridal shower (weird!). We had my Mom's family christmas party. Spent lots of time with family, and even more time driving to see family. Christmas eve we all gathered at my Grandma's and played games and ate a ton of junk food, opened our xmas pj's, and sang christmas songs and acted out the nativity scene (family tradition)..... Kade (brother) was baby Jesus, Dallin (cousin) was Joseph, and little Halley (cousin) was Mary. I was a wisemen... and we had lots more talented actors and actress in this event. It's always fun to do, and really reminds us of the true meaning of Christmas.
Decemeber 25- Christmas!

Aren't we all so beautiful in the morning?! My dad had to wake us up at nine to open presents..... not quite the same from when we were little waking up our parents at 5am because we couldn't bare the exitement.  Notice the card board in the background.  We drove to Utah.... and my parents didn't want to load any of the big gifts (flat screne TV for Erik and I.... nice!) and flat out forgot a few of Kade's gift, so they drew pictures of them on the card board. We each had one.... my favorite was Rachelle's. She got a trip to Spain, and both of my parents tried drawing pictures of an airplane on her card board.... let's just say, we're not a family of artists.

After we opened all our gifts, and were waiting around for the rest of the cousins and family to come over, grandma Reeder intrigued us with a few of her childhood christmas'. I love hearing my grandma's stories, and lets face it, she's enteraining as it is.

Afterwards we went to my grandma's house on my dad's side and enjoyed more family and delicious homemade mexican food. mmmmmm...... my favorite!!!
I got way too spoiled by my family..... and from my future in-laws! Holy smokes..... Erik came back with a whole suitcase filled with presents from his family. Erik got spoiled too.... including a new camera (desperately needed)! Thank you thank you thank you everyone!!

I'm not doing to well with keeping this post short..... real fast!
My sister Demi flew into Utah Dec 27th. It was so nice to have her! I always miss her when she's gone.... especailly during the holiday season. Erik came back on Dec 28th. I took my bridals that day. Thanks Jon, Jeff and Laura. They did an awesome job..... despite the fact it was 9 degrees outside! The next day they took our engagement pictures.... again did an awesome job!! Finally getting some stuff done for the wedding!

I love love love my neices!!! They are stinking adorable. I love being around them. They are getting so big! Aubrey just turned 4, and Livy (Olivia) will be 2 in March. They are complete opposites, but have quite the personalities.

On the December 30th, it was back home we went. All three of us (Rachelle, Erik and I) had to work on NYE, and we had to drive back probably on the worst day possible. What is normally a 10 hour drive, turned into a 15 hour drive due to the storms and bad roads. NOT FUN..... especially with little 7 year old demi in the back the whole time "are we there yet?!!"
I love being in Utah for the holidays. There is always so much family around, and so much going on. I look foward to spending the holidays with Erik (we'll be married next holiday season!!!) and starting our own traditions!

(coming up: arizona trip.... sneak peak into wedding dress shopping, and more wedding updates)

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh kimy that sounds soo much fun... the long drive to utah must of been fun lol.. i miss u guys.. i cant wait to c ur new updates... take care
