Tuesday, August 28, 2012

~ ~ ~SURPRISE!! We're pregnant!!~ ~ ~

Remember--- I'm still playing catch up from last year! 

October 10, 2011:
It was time to start the "white" pills (you know, birth control.... the non-sugar pills) but I had not had a visit from good old TOM (time of the month) so I took a pregnancy test just to be sure.  **NOTE: This was not uncommon... on multiple occasions, I have freaked out when TOM didn't visit at his proper time. And all it ended with was Erik and I freaking out, having that "what if...." conversation 87 times in a span of 2 days, being okay with the idea of having a baby outside our "timeline", getting excited to have a baby.... and then a negative pregnancy test.  
So..... as per routine.... our pregnancy came out NEGATIVE!

October 16th, 2011:
Nearly a week passed, still no sign of TOM.... So Erik asked me multiple times to take another test.  Why?? I just took one- it was negative. I did not feel sick or any different. No need to freak out AGAIN. No need to get excited AGAIN. No need to panic. No need to go on that emotional roller coaster because I knew there was no way I was pregnant.  But, because I am such a good wify, I did as I was told to satisfy my Erik.  

Rolling my eyes the entire time, I took the test (about 11pm this Sunday evening).... set it on the back of the toilet.... went out to the couch and started playing "words with friends" on my phone.  About 5 or 10 minutes later Erik went into the bathroom to get ready for bed.  He came out holding the test and his eyes were HUGE!! 

Me: Oh yeah.... I forgot about that thing. (Look back down and play my game)
Erik: um.... Kimber...... is two lines good or bad?
Me: oh shut up Erik..... sick joke.
Erik: um.... I'm not joking.
Me: you're not funny
Erik: Look....
At this point I finally put my phone down, jumped of the couch... took a closer look at it.... didn't know if I should cry, or panic, or scream, or jump for joy...... or what to even think or whether to even believe it. When words finally came out, it was: "Holy crap!! I forgot about it for a while, so maybe it messed up and is a misread." 

Erik's reaction: with his eyes still huge, he just started running in circles. (I don't think he knew what to do or think either).  He ran to the fridge and grabbed 2 or 3 water bottles and just told me to start chugging.  Then get gather 3 more pregnancy test and managed to say, "start peeing!!! We can't take our chances." 

Kind of a bad picture.... but there it was. Plain as day. 4 for 4. We are indeed PREGNANT!! 
This is what Erik looked like after realizing 4 for 4 was probably pretty good odds (he probably would have made me take more if we had any more in the house), and also washing his hands when he finally realized he kept touching sticks with my urine all over it. haha. 

We sat down for hours and talked about this big SHOCK.  Honestly, it was a big mess of emotions.  (If we knew then what a great blessing our sweet baby is in our life... I'm sure it would have been pure excitement and happiness.)  But, because we didn't know.... it was more "but we like being selfish and it just being the two of us." And "we wanted to finish school, and be more financially stable before we started a family." Bottom line, we weren't trying and we were planning on waiting.... but the man upstairs had a different plan for us, and we know He always knows best and He sets our timelines.  We knew we both have always wanted to be parents, so we were going to take this life changing, shocking news and look at it as nothing less then a blessing!! 

How I was feeling physically: 
Absolutely no morning sickness..... no nausea, no throwing up, no fatigue.  I wasn't sure how far along I was but I didn't feel any different.  When telling a few friends later on they would ask "how did you not know?? You didn't have any signs??" My response was... well I got a zit which was weird (now, that wouldn't have been anything new), my bra was kind of irritating for wear (again, nothing really new), and I was a bit claustrophobic when Erik would try to cuddle with me on the couch.  Ha- so there it was.... my signs of pregnancy :-). 

Again, not the perfect story of finding out we were expecting our little bundle of joy.... but it is our story! And I wouldn't want it any other way!!