Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A tribute to summer '09

So...... temperatures are starting to drop this week..... and it's starting to feel like fall. We hate to see summer go.....
We love summer!!!!! We especially loved this summer. It was our first summer since we've met and dated (4 years) that we didn't have to say good bye. No tears... no "what happens when....." no "only this many more days until....." no "when's the next time I see you?" We have had some good memories.... but usually plenty of heartache come summer time. Glad that part of the relationship is over!!!!
This summer was amazing! We both took summer classes (HATED them..... 1/2 the amount of time, which means double the homework, double the work, and double the crazy material they try to cram into our heads). We survived, did well... and were very proud of each other. It was hard to hear all of our friends going down to the lake, camping, hanging out, etc. And we simply had to say "doing homework." or "have a test in the morning." But we stuck to it...... and had some good times along the way as well!!! Summer 2009..... you will be deeply missed by us. You have given us some incredible memories and we will never forget you.
Here are a few:
To start it out right...... one of my best friends Sarah came down from Washington to visit. As did Erik's best friend Greg from New York. We road tripped it (6 hours) to the Mariners spring training in beautiful Phoenix, AZ. We spend our days soaking in the sun, laying out by the pool, reading our "Twilight saga," shopping, and watching baseball games. Absolutely perfect!
We had a few car loads of the "Utah gang" (couple families from my mom's side) come visit. I love being around family..... we had a great time. We took a road trip down to the Carlsbad caverns and hiked through a cave 2 miles into the earth. It was very cool!
Before going into the cave.....
Erik and I at the very bottom....
My sister Crystal and her girls came to visit a few times from Utah as well. I love love looooove my nieces. Can't get enough of them.....
We also got to go to Florida with my family for my bro Kade's graduation trip. It was blast! It rained almost every day. That being said.... we didn't have to wait long to get onto the rides! Some of my favorite memories are taking off our shoes and running through the rain to get to our cars or to some sort of shelter during the CRAZY thunder and lightning storms. We had a blast at all the parks.... we love Disney World! Mostly..... I love being with my family! (We missed you Crystal, Scott and the girls).

Another fun memory was going to Jackson Hole, WY. For the past few years, my family has taken on a new hobby..... white river rafting. It gets pretty intense..... we have had many scares. Erik's raft last year was flipped right before one of the biggest rapids. It was scary for me to watch, but glad everyone was okay. This year..... things were a little more mild, thank goodness!! (Except I fell out for my first time..... scary!)

In August...... Erik and I got to spend a few weeks in Washington with his family!!!! We had so much fun. His mom took us and his brothers (Brett and Mark) to Montana. We got to spend some time with Grandma and Grandpa Fiksdal, Katy and and Donny and their new addition, Leum (only a few weeks old when we were there!!). Erik's aunt Kathy and little cousin Pate also drove down and we got to spend a few days with them. It was so nice being surrounded by such a loving family. Montana is gorgeous! Erik's grandparents live on a golf course (yes, Erik was in heaven). The boys went golfing. Erik's mom, Katy and I went shopping a few days. We relaxed, played lots of cards, ate and ate and ate (I swear there was always something baking in that oven), enjoyed the baby, and enjoyed being with Erik's family for a change!! We both miss them very much.

After a week in Montana, we headed back to beautiful Seattle.

Then off we went..... Camping at Lake Alta with Erik's dad! Erik's dad and brothers can make me laugh more than anyone! I enjoy being with every one of Erik's family members. Brett and Mark really made me feel part of the "group" and I appreciate them letting me tag along on these trips. And by group.... I mean; Erik, Brett and Mark. The 3 amigos. Those boys are inseparable and I love seeing them together. Camping was beyond fun!!! I can't describe it.... I love the outdoors. We ate lots of food (once again), out by the lake, played for hours and hours on the rafts (who knew they could create so much fun?) swam, went to the water park, played games..... And just hung out. It truly was a few weeks we will never forget. We were very sad to leave!!!

I went back to Washington a few weeks later to see my best friend Whitney and her new hubby Cody get married. It was another great weekend and great way to end the summer.
All in all...... great summer! As you can see..... we were very busy. We were very blessed to have been surrounded by so many wonderful people. We also spent a week in Utah with ALL my family (both mom and dad's side), my little sister Demi gets the spend the summers with us.... I went to Moses for a week to see all my friends, Erik loved taking off work and a break from school to be with his family, and most of all..... we got to spend the summer together! Thanks for everything you have brought to us Summer 2009!!


  1. Looks like such a fun summer. I'm glad I was apart of some of it (wish we had gone to Disney world). I think it is great you got to spend time and love both families.

  2. And after all the time in Federal Way and I never saw you...what's up with that? Maybe next time! :)

  3. wow.. u guys did have a busy summer.. awesome .. love u guys
