Sunday, November 23, 2014

Pregnancy scares.......

At 10 weeks I came home from church as I was sitting in a good amount of blood. My heart immediately sank and my mind obviously went "there".  Erik and I were both heart broken... we cried, and Erik did all he could to comfort me (all while being totally torn himself).  He got on the internet and tried to keep me positive by telling me it didn't sound like the "m" word.  Neither one of us could even say the real word.  When we called the doctor the next morning and explained what happened.... because there was no cramping they didn't believe it was a miscarriage either. They told me it could be a fluke thing... and to call again if cramping came with it, otherwise not to worry about it and come in the following week for my routine monthly check up.  Good one, right? Don't worry??  Impossible.  I flipped out with every pain in my abdomen (which when you are pregnant... is a lot!). Luckily the following week they found the heartbeat for us and we cried happy tears and were soooo relieved!! But no answers other than "sometimes that just happens."

At 14 weeks.... I literally had just posted to the facebook world that we were expecting baby number 2!! We were in the second trimester... I was feeling great, and we were so excited!! Literally 10 minutes later.... I was in a POOL of blood.  Yes.... much more than last time.  A pool of bright red blood.... everywhere (sorry for tmi). This time I KNEW "this is it".  Again... heartbreak.  Literally, no other word to describe it. Erik and I sobbed the rest of the night.  It was horrible and my heart completely breaks for anyone who has gone through a miscarriage!! Especially someone very close to me who has gone through it multiple times!!

I called the doctor again the following morning and this time, after explaining what happened, they had me come right in. Erik was in training... and luckily Erik's parents were in town so Collin stayed with them.... so I drove the 45 minutes up to the hospital by myself for this appointment.  I plead with the Big Man upstairs that entire drive not to take my baby. I tried to stay positive and remain hopeful but it was still a tough drive.  I broke down the moment I sat on the doc table.... and the doctor was so sweet to me! She found the heartbeat on the Doppler immediately (thank goodness!!! I could have jumped off the table and hugged her... oh wait... I did!!). She then decided to order me an ultra sound because she said "it would be good for me to see the baby". Um.... thank you!!! I loved seeing that sweet little peanut moving inside me... and they even predicted the gender... "Boy!!" lol. At the end she told me I had a "subchorionic hematoma" which is a blood filled sac on the outside of the placenta. Sometimes it can "leak" and cause a hemorrhage but it does not harm the baby bc it is on the outside of the placenta.  Sometimes they could jeopardize the pregnancy but because mine appeared to be small and "shrinking" rather than growing.... she said it was not of concern.  But not to be alarmed if I bled again.  THANK YOU! All I wanted was answers (and of course a healthy baby)... and I could finally sleep again at night.

Blood Clot scare:
I was just over 24 weeks pregnant and just getting back from an awesome family vacation in California.  Luckily, I had a doctor apt the day after travels because I could hardly walk.  I went in and it looked like I had a huge calf muscles (I was pretty impressed with myself until I noticed it was only on one side).  The doctor asked me a few questions and brought up the driving/plane ride.  I mentioned my calf hurt and it felt like I had a permanent cramp that wouldn't let up.  She felt around and looked very concerned.  So..... off I went to get an ultra sound on my leg and did about 4 hours of testing to ensure there was no blood clot in my leg.... or that the clot hadn't traveled to my lungs. I was positive it wasn't anything serious... but I did have another major panic attack that day. I was told if it was a clot that I would be hospitalize for 2 weeks.... 14 days away from Collin??? That was my biggest concern (I don't really think I realized the danger to myself or to baby this could have brought up).  They called me back into the OB's office and the doctor told me ultra sounds and tests came back and led them to no longer believe there was a clot.  THANK YOU!! Again, just another scare. Other tests came back a little off- oxygen levels were low, iron was low, blood sugar was low, temp was slightly elevated as was my blood pressure. Basically.... I am out of whack, but nothing too concerning YET!  I was just advised to start taking it easy.

Cancer Scare:
Yes... you read that correct. Insane. I will go into MUCH more detail on a separate post. This started about a week after the blood clot scare and went on for about 3 weeks before a diagnosis.

Gestational diabetes:
Literally- the day after I got my diagnosis ^ I was back in the car chugging that nasty sugary drink and driving the 45 minutes back (for like the 8th time) to our hospital/clinic. I was 28.5 weeks. This was just my regular routine/monthly check up with a midwife (my OB doctor had called with everything going on and set up another appointment with her a few days later) but I was still HOPING to get some answers in regards to the tumor diagnosis. I had A LOT of questions.

Unfortunately, the midwife did not have any answers.... in fact, she did not even know what had been going on with me... good one right?? (This hospital does things a little different with prenatal care that I was not super fond of... like never having a set midwife or doctor to see unless you request it or there is a need for it. But we changed that, don't worry). HOWEVER, she did come back in the room to inform me I had failed my glucose test.  HAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAH. Literally, that is all is could do at this point. oh yeah, and say "of course I did". I think the midwife thought I had completely lost my mind. But honestly, can you blame me? Any possible scare you could have happen... has happened. So why not add gestational diabetes to the list?? I figured it was just another scare and got permission to go on vacation with my family for a week and pick up MORE testing when I got back. The entire team agree that was the best thing for baby and I, so off I went to bear lake and to visit my Utah family!!

Every time I had a sweet I would say "I should probably watch what I eat because APPARENTLY I have diabetes..." I honestly did NOT think I did and just rolled my eyes at the thought (plenty of women fail the 1 hour glucose test and find it was just a fluke and go on to pass the 3 hour glucose test).  I was having weekly checkups for other health reasons (tumor) with my OB at this point and every week she was on me about doing my 3 hour glucose test. I kept saying "I know I don't have it.... can I do the one hour again? Or just not worry about it at all?" She agreed that she didn't think I had it but insisted I still HAD to do the test.

Fine. At 32 weeks I finally went in and did that stinking, dreadful 3 HOUR test!! They called the next day: "Kimber? Unfortunately you did not pass your 3 hour test and you have gestational diabetes." She went on to set up times for MORE tests, and MORE appointments with the diabetic specialist. What?!?!? I was shocked!! And heartbroken. And felt SOOO guilty I had waited so long to take the test as those were more weeks I was not eating the best or controlling the diabetes for my sweet little babe and her tiny pancreas. Meh!!

I tried REALLY hard not to "google" anything and to just listen to my OB and diabetes educator (who both were shocked and said it didn't make sense... and just chalked me up for having bad luck this pregnancy)...... but just like any pregnancy related health problem you google, you see the words "stillborn" and read about the risks of further complications. Again... stress.

Luckily my numbers weren't horrible and I was told that I could probably manage the diabetes through diet and exercise alone and probably wouldn't need insulin shots or pills. BUT I did have to follow a VERY strict diet and calorie count.... and check my blood sugar levels at least 4 specific times a day (insert whiny face).  It was TOUGH!!! I totally have a new found respect with anyone with diabetes. I got a teeny tiny glimpse into your world for a very short time.... so I know it doesn't really cound- but I still feel so bad for you!!! I pretty much starved myself for the first few days bc I had no idea what to eat and I really didn't want bad readings.... and lets be honest..... ALL I wanted was carbs!!! and I hated meat and eggs and the word "protein". SOL! I soon figured out (with the help for my specialist) a few things I could eat and got the hang of meals- and carb counting- and I didn't gain a million pounds which was nice. I HATED pricking my finger (I said this whole pregnancy I would rather get my blood drawn a thousand times than to prick my finger. Why does that tiny needle hurt soooooo bad?!). Erik was decent at it and would always do it for me if he was home. But there were at least 2 readings every day that I would have to do myself. And it was the worst!! Especially the one when I first woke up because my hands would be so swollen and I couldn't get myself to bleed so it was take about 13-14 pricks before I could get an accurate reading. Yeah... it sucked!! But after a few weeks I finally started getting the hang of it all and kept reminding myself it could all be MUCH worse!!

Unfortunately- this one was not a scare either. At 35 weeks I was showing signs of pre-eclampsia and was hospitalized over night.  I was on strict bed rest to try to allow our sweet girl to grow and develop a little more.  At 36 weeks it turned into severe preeclampsia. Again, another long, detailed post to come on this soon!!

It was a crazy one!! I wasn't lying! But I'd do it ALL over again in a heartbeat for our sweet girl!!

1 comment:

  1. Crazy indeed! So thankful you are better and sweet Hadley is too
