Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What's up!!!

Wow..... I nominate myself for worst blogger in the world!!!! Has it really been months since we have been on here? I look at everyone elses' blogs multiple times a week, and I always mean to do an update.... BUT (there is always a but, right?) something either comes up when I do have a free hour to blog, or I convince myself I "need" pictures to go along with my updates and posts (and cord to get pictures from the camera to the computer is MIA).  Well.... I can tell you now I should be finishing up our "thank yous" (yes- I'm aware we have been married for almost five months.... better late than never??), or studying every vein and artery in the body... and there will most likely be no pictures. But dangit- I'm going to do some sort of update!!!

SO....... Whats up???

Like I said, we have been married for almost 5 months (will be exactly that in 9 days).... and loving every minute of it (okay... may not EVERY minute... but close). Since then we have moved into our own little place (pictures to come).  It's nothing huge.... nothing spectacular. But it is ours! Okay, not OURS- we are renting. Our good friend Chris (works at Chilis with us) manages about 37 units in a subdivision. Aw... who am I kidding? In a trailer park. Yes.... we live in a trailer- a two bedroom, two bathroom single-wide :-). And we are proud of it! Ha. Chris takes good care of the lots and homes, and our neighbors are all of our friends and co-workers (about 14 of us from Chilis living in our neighbor hood). Pretty sweet if you ask me! It has a good size fenced off yard, nice inside, Chris gave a good deal on rent (sold right there if you ask me), and is located only 8 minutes away from mothers- yes we timed it! We are very happy here.

I am a pansy. Never realized this until I moved on my own. I refused to be home if Erik was not. I would either stay at work late and wait for Erik to get off.... or I would just have Erik drop me off at my parents, and pick me up on his way home. Solution?? We got dogs!!! Yes plural- there is two of them. And they are huge!!! German Shepherds.  We knew we wanted a dog (my thinking was always to have two so they could be friends and not be lonely while we were at work and school- one small and one big one), but we did not realize we would have one so soon.... and two huge ones for that matter. Story? It was two weeks after moving in (3 weeks after returning back from our honeymoon)... we got a phone call. "Hey- do you guys want a dog? He is super cute and a really good dog." Um.... Why? Our friend Andy rescued a dog who had been abandoned and abused but her landlord would not let her keep him. Alright..... bring him over after work and we'll see if we want him (like I was really going to put him on the streets again). At work.... talk started that Erik and I were taking in this German Shepard. A lady that worked with us came up to me with pleading eyes "NO!!! Don't adopt this german shepherd.... take MY german shepherd. She is beautiful and lovable.... house broken.... potty-trained.... the best dog! And I'm getting evicted and have no place to go, let alone a place for a big dog. Our water is turned off... and I just really want a good place for her." Again... my sensitive side wanted to scream "YES!!!" but really? Two german shepherds? Solution? "Ask Erik." Erik's response? "Bring her over after work and we'll see how it works out." There it was. Andy came over first with the boy. WOW! German shepherds are really THAT big? Guess I didn't realize this. I was hesitant.... but let him inside just to see what he would do. He laid right next to me when I did the dishes? Hm... comforting. When everyone was outside, he laid by the door as if he was guarding it for me. And he really was the sweetest- most laid back dog. Sold!!! We got a dog- and named him Baxter! He warmed up very quickly and clung onto Erik and I (not surprising considering he was abandoned). Next up- Suger (co-workers dog). Thought we were content with one dog, but thought we would give this other one a chance. She was younger... and little more lively than Baxter. Bad? Nope. Her and Baxter got along great and Baxter seemed happy to have a friend. Then suger hopped up on me while I was laying on the couch and rested her head on me while Baxter laid as "alpha dog" right in front of us. Sold! BAM- Two dogs! Same day. And they are huge! More to come on them (I am obsessed) along with pictures!

Kimber update- Summer treated us both well.  I worked about 6 or 7 shifts a week. We enjoyed many fun vacations, and I especially have enjoyed turning this little house of ours into "our home".  I have returned back to school this fall semester.  I am attending 3 different campus' (one 20 minutes away, one 30 minutes, and one 45 minutes away), accumulating 17 credits.  It has been exhausting, but these are the 3 school I am planning on applying to for nursing school.  I had a couple classes from 2 of the programs I needed to take, and UNM main campus I just took classes at to get that GPA up (very competitive program). I am ready to apply- just need to suck it up and not be afraid of possible rejection. Going before a board to petition for one program in January. The other ones I just apply to around Christmas.

What else? Oh yeah.... I broke my foot! The first week of August (9 weeks ago) I went to a friends wedding. I was wearing heals for about 5 hours that day. I sat down for a bit (think that's where the swelling came in) took one step- my heal and ankle slid off my 5" heal while my toes stayed in place (my foot twisted at about a 90 degree angle-it did not feel good!). I was done for it after that. No walking for me. I had to be carried the rest of my trip (2 days left). My sister came and got me the last day- and her brother in law had crutches. Thank goodness for sisters and crutches!!! Airports were not fun going thru by myself (I let go of my pride and accepted the wheel chair assistance..... have you ever walked on crutches? I broke a sweat before I even got to security!!)
A week later and still no walking and a ridiculous amount of swelling- I gave in a went to the doctors. Stress fracture. Doc assumed it was being in 5" heels for 5 hours. Doc- "Were you wearing your heals for a long period of time?" Me- "No not really, like 5 or 6 hours." Doc- "Um..... are you kidding me??!! That is a long time!" Stay on crutches. Absolutely no weight on the foot. Foot was too swollen and was cracked in an awkward place that casting would be a bad option. Go see podiatry (foot specialist) in 3 weeks- stress fractures last about 4-6 weeks.
3 weeks later- Podiatrist found 3 more fractures. Could have not shown up on the first x-rays because of the swelling or could be new (very likely considering I fell A LOT on those stupid crutches- I fell coming up our front steps almost every night. I fell getting off the couch trying to get to my crutches... Erik, my dear sweet husband, thought it was fun to play on them and then leave them all the way across the room. Sick joke, right?? I fell getting on and off the toilet- even got stuck in between the toilet and sink one night. What a sight, I am sure. Embarrassing? Yes... but would like to think I will one day let go of these bitter feelings I have toward crutches and one-legged days, and will have something to look back and laugh on). Anyway.... multiple stress fractures. Come back in another month. But hey.... take this sweet, HUGE walking boot. Like that is suppose to make me feel better? "In a few weeks.... as long as there is no pain you can walk short distances without using the crutches." SWEET!!! I'll take it!
A month later (2 weeks ago tomorrow). Another doctor (podiatrist still).... your fractures are healing well. Lets evaluate. You have blah blah blah tendinitis. "You probably had stress fractures before you fell... and when you fell you actually tore the tendon that wraps under your arch. That is why your arch has been hurting you." Oh really?? I've only been saying that for the passed 2 months!!! "Depending on how bad you have torn the tendon... you may need surgery. We need a MRI to determine this. In the meantime..... You need physical therapy." As ashamed as I am to admit this.... we do not have health insurance (of course something like this would happen the few months we don't have insurance- we are getting some, but won't be effective until the new year). Doc- "oh you don't have insurance? *sigh* well here is my referral to the PT- will probably be a few hundred just for the consultation. Here is my note to get an appointment for the MRI those are also pretty spendy without insurance. And you may need surgery.... which is just going to get outrages. And I can't release you back to work *sigh* you... you.... you just need to get insurance..." Hey doc! Thanks for your advice!! Would've never thought I needed health insurance without you. And three docs.... three different diagnosis... 9 weeks of being in the same spot.... still not working..... hundreds of dollars spent?? Want to know what I say to your referrals? IN THE GARBAGE!! Now I definitely respect our health care workers (hello- I want to be a nurse!) and i don't feel like I'm above them by any means. But really? I think I can do therapy on my own (Kelsy's trainer gave me some good exercises), and ruptured tendon that needs surgery? Don't you think I would have UNBEARABLE pain when I put any weight on it? Yeah.... i don't have a ruptured tendon. I will fix this myself. And I will go back to work tomorrow. May be difficult... but I like to think I'm tough. But smart. I will not push it....

Erik update: Oh my dear sweet Erik. I'm sure he is thinking this marriage thing is way more than he bargained for. He is always saying "why are you always broken?? I want a refund." He started summer school shortly after coming back from our honeymoon. He was up late every night and up early every morning trying to study and get homework done all summer.  Could not be fun considering nobody else was doing homework or going to school.  He also worked about 6 shifts a week all summer. He is crazy!! I love his work ethic and motivation with everything he does. He has also taken on a full schedule this semester. He's taking: calculus (like 27 or something.... ok 3), circuits, physics, digital electronics.... and other ridiculously hard classes engineers take. He gets frustrated with how hard his classes are.... and how much time he has to spend in each class. But he still loves what he is doing, and can't wait to be done! I love him!! He works when we can (which is probably too much... but he needs to keep up the bills considering I've been out of work for months- oops!). When I was out of commission... on crutches.... He literally had to do all the house work, everything for the dogs (including getting up in the middle of the night to let them out to use the bathroom), and everything for me (I literally could not even get a drink of water for myself). What a good man!!!! He truely is the best husband in the world.... and I am very very lucky!!

Okay.... I think this post is long enough. Sorry if it was boring. Hope all is well with everyone else. I will post a tour of the house (with pictures), dog biography, honeymoon and other fun trips of the summer, and an elder update soon!!

Until next time.....

1 comment:

  1. kimber its your brother in spain im sad you stopped the blog on me.. so your fired and kelsy is now hired... and yeah haha well love you and you forgot to mention you get the award foooor not writting your brother...ever.... well love you see ya!
