Monday, December 7, 2009

~~Holiday time = Family time!!~~

The weekend before Thanksgiving, BYU played UNM. Now I know I, myself, am a Lobo (and a fan under any other circumstances)..... but even more, my family and I are die hard, dedicated BYU fans. A couple of families from my mom's side came down to cheer on BYU, and of course.... to see us! It was a very very quick, fun weekend. My family arrived at about 2am on Friday morning..... and left at 5am Saturday morning (it's a 12 hour drive from here to where they live in Utah..... do you see what I mean about being die hard fans?) I didn't get very many pictures.... but we did have a lot of fun!
Friday we all got up (there was 20 of us total)..... and was ready to do it all! My brother, dad, uncle Dale, and cousin went golfing. The rest of us piled into 2 cars and headed to the zoo. By the time we got to the zoo it was raining (just our luck.... it rains like 10 days out of the year down here), so we decided to go shopping instead.  After shopping we walked around the botanical gardens and headed home to make fajitas, play cards, hot tub, and watch some basketball (Utah JAZZ) and movies.
Saturday we got up bright and early and headed over to a BYU breakfast hosted by our neighbors and church friends. Everyone showed up in their byu gear, played some football, participated in some BYU trivia, and ate some delicious food. Then it was off to the lobo statium to watch the game.
Go Cougars!

My adorable cousin Ashlyn cheering on BYU

It was supposed to be a huge blowout considering Lobos had yet to win a game this season.... and BYU is ranked. Lobos held their own (I was happy about that) and it turned out to be a really close game. End result: BYU won!!! Hurray!

After the game, we went to a family fun center. We played minigolf (Erik won! And I definately did NOT win..... in fact, I'm pretty sure I came in dead last..... even after my little 4 and 5 year old cousins. Not good at all). We played laser tag..... very fun! And off to dinner we went. This was my poor attempt in getting a picture of everyone (it was off my phone.... give me a break!)

This band came in and sang for us..... and gave Cameron (cousin) these little maracas. He was dancing and being the typical goof he is. We were all dying.... and even the guys singing were laughing.

Erik surrounded my girls..... what a surprise! He loves it.... he just doesn't know it.

Fun, fun, fun weekend! Thanks for coming to see us!!
The next weekend was Thanksgiving..... and as you already know from the previous post, my uncle Kendall and aunt Kim and their family came down to spend the week with us.

I already posted a ton of pictures and a long post about this trip, but here were a few other things we did while they were here: we went to the zoo

We went hot tubbing....

We played lots of cards and games.....

We did a lot of catching up, movie watching, xbox and rock band playing..... the typical family stuff.  It was lots of fun having them down here! Hope everyone had a good time. Can't wait to see you in a few weeks!

Other updates: (sorry these posts are always so long...... I have so much to talk about..... but never post, so you get it all at once!)

Wedding plans: I'm going to make it a goal to post wedding updates at least once a month for Erik and I to look back on. My Aunt Suz and Aunt Kim are both very talented and creative.  They are so good at decorating and putting things together.  It was fun having them both down here this month and talking a lot about weddings and hearing different ideas. I haven't really been getting into it at all..... but they gave me lots of fun ideas about colors, center pieces, bridesmaid dresses, cakes..... and just lots of decorating tips in general. They got me excited! Erik and I have spent hours and hours looking at wedding venues online, emailing back and forth with cost, accomodations, ects. It's finally starting to feel real! I'm going dress shopping and we're taking our engagment pictures in a few weeks. We are coming up with our list of top 5 venues and making it a goal to check those out over winter break. No set date, or place..... no specific details to give yet. But maybe after spending the holidays with our families and talking face to face.... we'll come up with something. It's our goal to know the basics (when and where) before the new year! Keep your fingers crossed for us!

We got a car!!! Okay..... so we've had it for a while now. But due to my poor updates (that our not very timely or up to date), I am just not posting pictures. Again, I appologize for the not-so-good pictures. I gave Erik the choice of taking pictures for our blog, or baking cookies..... he chose baking cookies (weird!). So I had no clue was I was doing. To me, it's a black car. It's a luxury car..... it's pretty..... waayyyyy better than my corolla.... and I like it!!!

To be a little more specific, it's a 2002 (I think) Infiniti I-30. It has a leather interior, seat warmers, a 5-disc CD changer, V6 engine..... um...... a sun roof..... spacious...... I give up. That's all I know. Cars are not in my line of interest. I trust Erik.... he knew what he was doing, and i must say.... he did a good job! I love it! And it was exciting to make our first big purchase together....

Here is a picture of Erik baking cookies instead of taking pictures of his new car...... They were actually really good, so I can't complain! (Another thing I love about the holiday season.... delicious baking!)

Robin is the girl I meantioned in an earlier post..... Kelsy's friend who is now living with us. She fits in perfect with our family. She is just like Kelsy and everyone just assumes we are all sisters. Her and Erik get along great.  This is a perfect captured moment for them. Erik is always picking on her!

Kelsy just finished her last tournament of the season this past weekend. They came in third place playing in the 19year-old division (they are only 17). Kelsy plays club and for the school..... and she dominates! Kelsy is the one always making assists and goals in all her games. She was just picked for the "all district team." Not quite sure what that means.... but they only pick a few girls to be on it and it's a pretty big deal. I admire her talent and dedication. She hurt her ankle a while ago.... and is to the point where she can hardly walk, but that never stopped her from playing. I think she, and my parents especially, are glad she has a 6 week break before starting back up again. Good work Kels!!!

It was Erik's brother Brett's birthday last Thursday! The big 1-8!!! Erik loves his little brothers so much and talks about them all the time. Brett cracks me up! He had to put up with me for 2 weeks straight this summer and lets just say.... we're best friends! He is an awesome baseball player, constantly entertaining us, not so good at cards (*wink, wink*) and just an all around great guy. We miss you very much! Hope you had an awesome birthday Brett!

It was my sister Rachelle's 22nd birthday last Friday. We are a year and 16 days apart. She is honestly one of my best friends.  Through the years we have gotten so close. We have a lot of the same friends, we're "roomates," we work together, we talk about everything and I love her! We've been through a lot and we know we'll alway be there for each other. Erik also adores Rachelle..... they both like the same kind of movies (and I like chick flicks), so they are little movie buddies. Rachelle will do anything for anyone.... and she's an awesome cook! We love you Rachelle. Hope you had a great birthday as well!

I think this post is long enough! Here is a preview for our next post...... Christmas lights and decorations!! I love Christmas time and the holiday season in general. So far it's been a great one..... stay posted!

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