Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Our weekend to Phoenix

On Wednesday, we went over to my parents house so my dad and Erik could work on our car. That same night my parents were bragging about going to Phoenix and how hot it was suppose to be. I thought for a second, and said "I'm coming!!" Just like that... invited myself. Got my shift covered Friday night, got permission from the hubs (he was the one encouraging me to go... think he wanted a weekend to himself) and was on the road to Phoenix at 5am Friday morning with my parents and my sister! 
It's about a 6 hour drive from Albuquerque, and the real reason we were headed there was for Kelsy's soccer tournament. Naturally we HAD to go to a Mariner's spring training game. Yes, I'm aware... they are terrible. But it was still fun and about 83 degrees and sunny. What beats that?
(Peoria Stadium)
Our new Mariner shirts.... yes, we made fun of ourselves when we saw this picture. So save the mocking! Who does thumbs-up anymore? This guy...
 My cute parents
Kelsy got thirst while waiting to check into our hotel....
I just love palm trees!!
My dad thinking his daughters are soooo cool!
Then we went shopping
This is my bug face? Yeah I don't really know either...
We then decided to go bowling.... I plugged in 'bowling centers' into the GPS, chose a random one... drove about 20 minutes to get to it... and this is what we pulled up to!! HAHA!! It was a subdivision of just ridiculously huge houses (they probably all had bowling allies in them). My parents kept saying "Kimber... where are you taking us!" I was cracking up.... to the point where I couldn't breath and was snorting as I struggled for air. I thought it was hilarious! All they could do was laugh with me.... good times.
Kelsy then grabbed the GPS, "Kimber you're an idiot.... let me find us a bowling ally!" She chose one that required us to drive about 20 minutes further away from the hotel and brought us to even bigger mansions and this was what we pulled up to. A gate even!! Great job kels! We had some good laughs on this little adventure of ours.
This was one of my favorite houses.... understand what kind of neighbors we were in?
I blame this little guy....
We gave up on bowling for the night because we were all starving..... So we headed to outback. I insisted on documenting our whole trip but they wouldn't let me use the flash in here.... so this is the best we've got! Aren't my parents so cute tho??
The next day we went to soccer games all day
In between games we shopped... and ate! I swear.... every mile there were huge shopping centers where we were welcomed by huge pathways of palm trees. Now you know why I would love to live here??
I can't wait to have a little girl to dress in cute pink tu-tu dresses. And yes... this little beauty was definitely worth documenting. Your welcome.
We got sunburned....
We finally found ourselves a bowling ally.... and real one... for "normal people.... like the public" (Yes, I said those exact words when we called them up to verify they were an actual bowling ally)
We celebrated...
Mother won the first game.... What?! Don't worry... I didn't know she could bowl either. 
*Her very first turn she had she bowled a strike, but right before the computer timed out b/c we were taking so long. She was so angry.... She ran straight to the front desk "I got a strike!! I got a strike! That better have counted b/c I got a strike!!"*
Kelsy insisted on documenting the short minute she was beating everyone. (Notice my split spare underneath? Okay... just making sure)
And mother won the second game as well.... my dad was not too happy about this! 

After bowling we went to a Mexican restaurant and all about fell asleep on our plates.... Good day.

The next day was more soccer games..... 
I have a confession to make.... Kelsy is not in either of these soccer pictures. I was so adamant about documenting our whole trip, but the first day of the tournament I forgot to take pictures of her 2 games. That night, I admitted my failure to my family and everyone laughed b/c well... that was the whole reason we were there! I said "don't worry.... there is two games tomorrow and I will take a ton of pictures!" Tomorrow came around and I skipped out on the first game because it was at 8am and I got zero sleep the night before. We got ready for the 2nd game of the day (and last of the weekend) and I had my camera on hand. Before the game started I went and got some hamburgers.... they took a few minutes on the grill so I sat down for Kelsy's game about 3 minutes after is started. THREE minutes ppl..... I'm not even lying. The first play of the game Kelsy collided with the goal keeper and both limped away. A few minutes later, Kelsy asked to sit out. And then she was taken away only to return as such.....
What an idiot right?? Wouldn't be right without a little trip to Urgent care. So I didn't even see Kelsy play at all this day.... hence.... zero pictures of Kelsy playing soccer. Glad we captured this beauty tho. Not only does she look like... um.... this.... but you should have seen this sling!! The splint was made out of a card board box and the sling made from duck tape!! Oh man.... I laughed so hard once again (yes, tears and snorting was involved). Funny, funny..
Oh yeah.... She's fine! It was a "stinger" (Erik's medical term).... just a little shock to the nerves that caused her to loose feeling in her arm for a good 3 hours. And a clot in her blood vessel that caused a nice size bump (that's where they thought she may have broken it)
The cactus' were a highlight of the trip. They are awesome! And every time we saw one we would come up with what it looked like. Mother started by "that one is flipping us off". Others included "that one is praying" "that one has arthritis" "that one wants to give me a hug".... you get the idea.
The weekend was amazing! We did not stop the whole 2 and 1/2 days we were there. Never a dull moment with us! I love my family. Thanks for letting me tag along!!

Thanks for the great weekend Phoenix!! I will be back!!! (Note: this was my 4th annual trip to this wonderful city I like to call "Paradise". Hope I can keep it up... and maybe have a house here one day!!! Husband, are you reading this??)


  1. lol! You make me laugh. You did a great job "documenting". Ritzy, stay in Scottsdale, eh. If you live in Phoenix we may visit you one day, not during the summer. Jeff's brother and his family live in Gilbert. He's a cop though so beware!!

  2. Oh I wish I could have gone. Its always fun with the family. I love the picture of Kelsy and her cardboard cast.
