Wednesday, May 12, 2010

~We shall return.... Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald~

We are off tomorrow!!! I know...... I've said it once, I'll say it again.... I stink at updating this thing. I promise, pictures of the yard and some excited things are coming! For now...... I'm writing down a few quick updates and thoughts before I finish packing and head off to bed..... my last time going to bed in this home "single."

Where does the time go?? As Erik's grandma says "tempus fugit!!" 
>These last few weeks have been crazy! Finals completely consumed us. I had 3 huge "medical" papers, and lab write-ups, and 5 finals this semester. I'm grateful for the Man upstairs for really helping me out this semester, because I know I was not as motivated as I have been in previous semesters to pick up the books and start studying or to do homework.  **Whoever thought having a wedding the week after (technically the week of) finals was a good idea...... WRONG!!!** However it did make things more interesting (tested my patience..... which I think we all realize I do NOT have). But in the end.... it is the end! And I actually ended up with pretty good grades this semester (if I do say so myself).  Erik should be getting all the recognition here tho!!! He had tough tough classes (those engineering classes.....) and had a TON of homework and tests and papers and long labs. My sweetheart could never catch a break, but he stuck with it through all this crazyness (me being his number one crazyness), and also dominated this semester!! Hurray!!! Summer time!
>Our New Mexico reception was a success :-). One down, two to go! We had an amazing morning! Something very special and something we will definately never forget. Grandma Reeder and brother flew in the day before to share this special day with us and help out with the reception.  It meant so much to us to have them there. We spent a few hours before the reception finishing up the yard (aka painting the hot tub, getting the fountain in the pool set up, arranging furniture, setting up tables).  It was sunny and hot, and a very relaxing day. About an hour before ppl were suppose to show up, we were finishing up some centerpieces and starting to prepare the food. Right then, the wind picked up..... and of course, the pool gets a leak! Dad heads straight off to home depot and Erik and Kade immediately stop what they're doing to help with that.  15 minutes before reception...... Food is still not prepared, yard still has tools and paint and wheelbarrows scattered everyone, the cover is not off the pool, all the trees and plants and pictures have been blown over from the wind, cars were not where they needed to be to provide enough parking..... the chocolate fountain was not coorporating (because of the wind), nobody had showered or gotten ready..... and the list could go on!  Needless to say, everything worked out just fine, we got ready, guest showed up.... and we had a great time! We got lots of compliments on the yard..... so go dad!!! He did an awesome job. I'll post pictures upon our return!
>We found a house!!!! We will not be homeless when we return back from our honeymoon..... we were a little worried. It's nothing fancy or exciting..... but we are happy. Our friend Chris is the manager of them, and we have lots of our co-workers on all sides of us. It should be fun, and we are grateful for Chris for helping us out! Our move in day is June 4 (we get back from our honeymoon May 30.... so we hope the parents will let us stay a few more nights with them) so we have time to pack and clean when we get back. 
>Um.... what else?? Oh yeah.... we're getting married!!!! We head to Utah tomorrow. Friday will be a crazy day setting up and getting everything ready. We're so excited to see all our family there (and Whitney and Cody are even coming down!!). Should be a beautiful sealing and fun reception. We're excited.
>We head out Monday to Washington. We are excited to see all of Erik's family! It will be a fun week getting ready for the big reception, enjoying time as all the family and friends start coming in (some which we haven't seen in a long time..... and a few I've never even met before!). We're really excited for this too!!
> Yep..... excitement! That's all we are feeling right now.  Life is good! Everything is coming together. And i'm done worrying about having the perfect dress, the perfect flowers, the perfect receptions. If I don't have something..... I'm not going to have it. If something doesn't turn out right.... it doesn't turn out right. We're done worry.... and we're on to enjoying. Hope our guest are okay with that!
>I've spent the last few night packing.  Packing for Utah..... for Washington.... for Puerto Villarta...... for the new house. So many changes. So many adventures. I'm beyond excited! Erik is sitting next to me now (playing tiger woods on the xbox) and we both just looked at each other and smiled ,"life is good!!"

So we leave you, dear blogger world....... and when we reunite, we will be married! Together for eternity!!! Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald :-). Until then......

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