Friday, March 26, 2010

Holy Crap!!!

For lack of a better title......

Wedding extravaganzas start 6 weeks from tomorrow. We have our first open house/reception here. Then finals week for everyone..... then off to Utah we go for more wedding and reception stuff..... then to Washington for even more ceremonys and receptions. And then..... MEXICO!! For relaxing and honeymoon time. It's going to be a crazy 3 weeks..... but we're beyond EXCITED for the crazy-ness and what it all represents and brings.

In the meantime, (again HOLY CRAP!), where has the time gone? We have been engaged for over 6 months..... seems like maybe..... MAAAAYBE a month and a half. And we only have six weeks to go. And only 6 weeks to get everything together. And what kind of crazy people are we to be doing 3 different receptions? 3 different states? I assure you there is good reasoning for all of it.... but along with good reasoning and good family and friends EVERYWHERE...... brings triple the amount of stress (and expense).

Again, another month has come and gone since our last post..... again, where does the time go? Sorry to anyone out there that actually reads this thing! So here is for yet another WEDDING UPDATE:
My dress has been fitted! I'll be picking that up sometime in the next week. Our vases for the centerpieces were ordered a few weeks..... but because they did not have all of them in stock, they have yet to arrive..... but should be here this afternoon or Monday (if not..... bridezilla is coming out!!). Announcements are done, and should be out soon! Rentals for Utah are done.... finishing up the ones in Washington this weekend (haha.... been saying that for weeks). Um..... New Mexico reception is going to be kept very informal and simple.... not too worried about that one. Utah reception is in the hands of mother (which is why things are probably actually getting done!). We've got tents, tables and chairs, linens, food.... and the basics ready for that one. Washington is coming along. We've got a ton of help from Erik's family..... so big thanks goes out to them! We've got our food, half of the tables and chairs and linens, rehearsal time, our cake (I'm really excited to see how it turns out), most of the center pieces and in the process of contacting DJ's. Last night we all piled in the car and set off to HOBBY LOBBY (our favorite store!!)

We got lots of pictures frames for our "display" tables. We got flower girl baskets, sampleS of our colors and flowers we're using, decorative rocks (for center pieces), my gaurder (I know.... very exciting), um.... a few things for our new house :-) (trust me, they were all necessary). And just a few other things here and there.
I dragged Erik along with all of us girls (8 girls..... and him). He kept saying "why am I here?!" I would simply reply, "you're the one that asked me to marry you!" He would also ask "Why do we need flowers?" For you're wedding Erik, remember? "Why do you need bouquets?" UGH! You just do, okay? "Well I can just pick you some flowers for you to hold." "Why are we buying all these rocks..... I can find some rocks that are better than those, for free!" Okay erik..... you do that. "Why are we buying that.... I can make that." "$40 for a little flower girl basket?! Forget it..... I'll take a basket weaving class! Don't buy those."  Ugh....... who invited Erik to come anyway?!? Haha..... At least we get some good laughs out when Erik's around. Please tell me this is typical "groom behavior".  

My cute niece Aubrey (they've been down visiting for the past week and a half.... I'm sure I'll be doing a whole post of them soon. I can't get enough of them!!!) and a sneak peak of colors and one of the flowers.

Thanks to Aunt Rosie..... she's doing our wedding favors for all 3 receptions, and all the bouquets! Thanks to Aunt Suz..... we just sent her a bunch of stuff to start putting together all the center pieces and decorations for Utah and Washington.

Not only did mother come up with her great idea of having an open house here before we left.... she also came up with the idea to just do it in our back yard. Good one, right?! Hopefully this yard will look a lot better in a month. We were all out this weekend for a few good hours pulling all the dead flowers up, taking off the winter pool cover, draing the ponds and pulling weeds. I'm sure this will be a routine on the weekends up until the big day. Hurray! Good thing we've got a big family..... lots of helpers :-)
Fun, fun!! I'm trying to enjoy all this crazy-ness going on around us constantly! I'm pretty easy-going, but along with that comes a bit of procrastination. I'm getting a bit nervous that it won't all come together. I've officially had my first "bridezilla" moment (that I've noticed.... I'm sure there has been more.) I've started with "the dreams." I have had 3..... most consist of the typical; nobody showing up and the decorations and centerpieces not working out. But this last one.... not only did we not have any guest.... but my groom didn't show up! He signed the marriage liecense so we were "married," but didn't feel the need to stand up and let everyone know or particiapate in any of the other "crap" we insist on doing for weddings (sound like Erik? ah! I'm worried). I feel like it's coming along.... but still have a ton to do over the next 6 weeks! Don't even get me started on the personal "to do list". Need to still loose those lbs. i've been hoping to shed. Need to be wearing my retainers (for my teeth) religiously for the next 6 weeks. Need to start tanning..... oh man, the list could be never ending! Wish us luck!


  1. Good luck! I'm sure it will all come together. Don't stress. :)

  2. Sure Glad I'm not there haha!! just kidding i would of helped you gues it would have been fun and i would of pushed erik into the pool...
